An AGM for everyone

We are a community development trust.
That sounds like a fluffy phrase for not much at all, but actually it's an important indicator about the kind of work we do, where we do it, and the kind of folk we are.
A community development trust is an organisation that is locally-led and owned, guided by the needs and aspirations of the people we exist to support: our community. We are here to make sure that we can identify and follow opportunities for development in the area love.
So, keeping local people updated about our work is pretty important to us. That's why we open our AGM to the public so that you can see exactly what we've been up to and where we're heading over the next twelve months.
The phrase "Come to our AGM" often fills people with an unnerving sense of dread: fear of unexpected obligations, long meetings about reporting accountants, boardrooms and agendas and men in business suits...
We take a different tact. We like to make our AGMs an informal opportunity to get to know us, what we do and why we do it. And as icing on the cake - we literally supply cake too.
A perennial question we've been asked over the years is "What does the Langholm Initiative actually do?".
The AGM is our chance to tell you all about it. We don't go on, just a short presentation from the project managers, a chance for questions and feedback, tea and cake, then a short business meeting.
This year is slightly different. We'll be asking members to help us pass two resolutions. The first is that you support us changing our legal form from a Company limited by guarantee to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). All it means is that we'll be a more updated form of charity.
Secondly, we'll ask if you approve our new SCIO constitution, which will be available on the night. The major changes are in our purposes and powers, which will allow us to follow up on major projects such as the Townfoot Sport Centre project and the potential Langholm Moor Community Buy-out.
All you need to do it stick your hand in the air when the resolution is read out if you support it. That's it.
If you'd like to join us as a member, please check out the membership page on our website.
If you have any questions about our AGM, our conversion to a SCIO, or anything about Langholm Initiative, drop us a line. We'd love to hear from you.
We can't wait to see you on the 18th, and thank you for your ongoing support for our community development trust.
The Langholm Initiative AGM is December 18th, 7pm at the Buccleuch Centre.